Thursday, May 11 – Monday, May 15
What is IMMUNOLOGY2023™?
The largest annual all-immunology event worldwide, The American Association of Immunologists (AAI) annual meeting is where leading researchers come to present and learn the latest in their field. With major lectures from some of the world’s most prominent immunologists, and podium and poster presentations of abstracts, IMMUNOLOGY2023™ features innovative developments from scientists at every career stage. There has never been a more crucial time for the immunology community to gather and share the leading science for which our meetings are known!
Location of IMMUNOLOGY2023™
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
801 Mt. Vernon Place, NW
Washington, DC 20001
COVID-19 Questions
What is the vaccination policy?
The AAI COVID-19 policy is available on the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ COVID-19 Policy page. All meeting attendees will be required to comply with the AAI COVID-19 policy.
AAI Policy Statements
Attendees at IMMUNOLOGY2023™ are required to comply with all AAI policies, including:
AAI is committed to ensuring a safe and welcoming environment at AAI activities for all participants and protected classes regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, skin color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, sexual preference[BC1] , age, military or veteran status, marital status, or disability.
Code of Conduct
In addition to attempting to provide a safe and welcoming environment for AAI activities, AAI promotes principles of integrity, civility, diversity, and respect. To that end, AAI attendees must comply with the AAI Code of Conduct.View all AAI policy statements on the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ Policy page.
Where Can I View the Program?
Please visit our IMMUNOLOGY2023™ Program page to view the full program.
Abstracts selected for podium presentations are programmed into Block Symposia, scheduled throughout the meeting. They are listed on the meeting website and the meeting app.
Abstracts selected for poster presentations will be scheduled for presentation on one of the following dates:
- Friday, May 12
- Saturday, May 13
- Sunday, May 14
All poster presentations will be held from 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM.
When can I set up my poster?
Poster set up is between 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM on the day of assigned presentation. Posters must be removed between 3:45 PM – 4:30 PM on Friday and Saturday, and by 4:00 PM on Sunday.
Abstracts will be embargoed until April 11, 2023.
When does registration open?
Early Registration: December 6, 2022 – March 31, 2023
Advance Registration: April 1, 2023 – May 10, 2023
On-site Registration: May 11, 2023 – May 15, 2023
What are the registration hours?
Thursday, May 11: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday, May 12: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday, May 13: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday, May 14: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Monday, May 15: 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Please visit the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ Registration page to find registration fees.
What does the registration fee cover?
Your registration fee covers the entrance to scientific sessions, posters, and exhibits, admission to the Opening Night Welcome Reception, one copy of the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ Meeting Guide, and one Program at a Glance. Certain events will require the purchase of an additional ticket, and you may buy these when registering. These events include Career Roundtable events ($30.00) and the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ Gala ($35.00/attendee, $75.00/attendee guest).
PLEASE NOTE: Your AAI Membership must be paid in full through December 31, 2023, to be eligible for the member rate. If you have questions about your membership status or need to make changes to your contact information, please email members@aai.org. To join AAI, visit the AAI Membership page.
Will I receive confirmation of my registration?
After you register, an immediate email confirmation will be sent to the email address you provided. A receipt is included in the email.
Will I be refunded if I cancel my registration?
We will be sorry that you will not be able to join us. A $100 non-refundable processing fee* will be deducted from all refunds issued for registration cancellations received by April 11, 2023. Refund requests must be submitted in writing, include the registrant’s confirmation number, and be received by 11:59 PM (EDT), on April 11, 2023. No refunds will be issued after April 11, 2023. Please email your cancellation request to meetings@aai.org.
* Please visit the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ Covid Policy page for exceptions.
What if AAI cancels the meeting once I have registered?
In the event the meeting is canceled, the full registration will be refunded to each registrant. Travel or housing reservation cancellations are the responsibility of the attendee.
If my plans change and I am unable to attend, can I transfer my registration to someone else?
Yes. If you are a member and they are not, the difference in the registration fees must be paid before the transfer is complete. If you are NOT a member and they are, we are unable to issue a refund of the difference in registration fees. To transfer a registration, please email meetings@aai.org.
I am a high school student or high school teacher. How do I register?
High school teachers and high school students (age 13 and older) are invited to attend the meeting. To register in advance, please contact meetings@aai.org. To register on-site, please bring your ID card or a letter signed by your department head, research advisors, principal, or teacher. We request that high school students always be accompanied by a registered adult. Appropriate behavior by all students is required.
I am a graduate student. How do I register?
Graduate student members may register at any time and are eligible for a significantly reduced registration fee. Graduate student nonmembers may preregister by contacting meetings@aai.org and providing a current student ID.
Please note: Hospital residents, interns, and senior laboratory technicians do not qualify as students and must pay the full member/nonmember registration rate.
I am an employee at NIH or with the federal government, but I have not received approval to attend. What can I do?
Employees of the federal government who have applied to their agencies for approval to attend IMMUNOLOGY2023™ but have not received approval by the early registration deadline should contact meetings@aai.org for assistance. Please include in your email your full name, registration category (member, nonmember, or student), agency/institute, and the date of your approval request.
I am a postdoctoral trainee; how do I register?
Postdoctoral trainee members may register at any time and are eligible for a significantly reduced registration fee. Postdoctoral trainee nonmembers may preregister by contacting meetings@aai.org and providing their advisor’s name, and email.
I am with the press; how do I register?
AAI offers complimentary press badges to pre-approved members of the working press with appropriate press credentials and to freelance writers bearing a letter of assignment (on the publication’s official letterhead) from an editor.
Approved press badge holders are required to provide AAI with copies of all articles written about IMMUNOLOGY2023™.
Complimentary press badges will NOT be issued to representatives from allied fields (public relations, public information, public affairs, scholarly journals, or publishers). These individuals may register online and pay the applicable registration fee.
Please visit the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ Press Policy page to request a press badge.
I am an undergraduate institution faculty. How do I register?
Faculty AAI members at primarily undergraduate institutions may register at any time and are eligible for a reduced registration fee. Faculty nonmembers at primarily undergraduate institutions may preregister by contacting meetings@aai.org and providing a letter from the department head, provost, or dean confirming their faculty appointment.
I am an undergraduate student. How do I register?
Undergraduate student members may register at any time and are eligible for a significantly reduced registration fee. Undergraduate student nonmembers may preregister by contacting meetings@aai.org and providing a current student ID.
I am a young professional; how do I register?
Recent college graduates (up to five years post graduation) who are not enrolled in graduate school or further undergraduate education may apply to join AAI as a Young Professional. Once a member, you will have access to the member meeting registration rates. To register as a nonmember, you must submit a letter from your employer to meetings@aai.org. This letter must include the date of graduation, institution, confirmation of employment in a lab, and position held in the lab.
When will I receive my badge?
AAI does not mail badges before the meeting. All registered attendees will receive an email with instructions that include a bar code for your badge pickup. Please bring the email with you to expedite the check-in process.
How do I register on-site?
Registration is on Level 2 inside Exhibit Hall D.
Thursday, May 11: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday, May 12: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday, May 13: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday, May 14: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Monday, May 15: 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM
How do I get a Certificate of Attendance?
Certificates of Attendance will be sent to all validated attendees after the meeting. (Validation occurs automatically when you pick up your name badge.)
Speaker Ready Room (SRR)
The SRR is on Level 2, Room 203A of the Convention Center.
Thursday, May 11: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday, May 12: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday, May 13: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday, May 14: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Monday, May 15: 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Presentation Information and Instructions
Session room PCs will be provided with the following configuration:
- Processor: a minimum Core i7 2.93 GHz
- 16 GB RAM
- 1920 x 1080 at 24 bit color depth
- Microsoft Windows 10 Professional
- Microsoft Office 2019 Professional
- Windows Media Player (Latest Version)
- QuickTime (Latest Version)
- Flash Player (Latest Version)
- Acrobat Reader DC (Latest Version)
- Laser pointer/slide advancer
- Podium and aisle microphone
- Screen
- Audiovisual technician
- NO internet access
All electronic files must be submitted in the Speaker Ready Room using one of the formats listed below:
- PowerPoint 2022 or earlier version
- Operating System: Media should be PC Formatted
- Video Playback: Windows Media Player; QuickTime
- PDF Reader: Adobe Acrobat
- Unix Users: Bring HTML Files or Adobe Acrobat
For best results, PowerPoint 2022 users should save their presentations in those versions’ native .pptx format, and not in the PowerPoint 1997-2003 format.
If you are a Mac user and need to use your own Mac computer to present, an accommodation can be made to hook up your Mac to the Projection System. Please bring your computer to the Speaker Ready Room at least 2 hours before your talk so that we can confirm which output connector will be required to display your computer to the in-room system. Please arrive to the session room early with your Computer and power supply so that we can connect the computer and test it before the session starts.
Uploading your presentation:
Starting Monday April 4, you will be able to upload your presentation to our A/V provider. Visit the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ Abstracts page and look for the Upload Presentation button. You may revise and upload your presentation as many times as needed up to two hours prior to the start of your session.
On-site in the SRR
If not previously uploaded, presentations should be brought to the SRR on a flash drive.
NOTE: Please be in your assigned session room at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the session and check in with the AV technician when you arrive.
Social Events
Opening Night Welcome Reception
Thursday, May 11 | 6:15 PM – 7:30 PM
Join us at the Opening Night Welcome Reception to celebrate the start of IMMUNOLOGY2023™! Step outside of Ballroom A/B where the President’s Address is being held and you will Immediately see the gathering of our attendees. One (1) complimentary drink ticket is included in your registration. Registered attendees only. Attendees must be 21 years of age or older to attend this event.
The Opening Night Welcome Reception is for registered attendees only.
Sunday, May 14 | 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
The IMMUNOLOGY2023™ Gala (generously supported by BioLegend) will be held at the National Museum of American History. The entire museum will be open to attendees to explore, including its vast collection of objects that reflect the lived experience of the American people. There will be plentiful food stations and ample bars peppered throughout, and live music and a dance floor will entertain throughout the evening. You must be 21 years of age or older to attend the Gala. Shuttle buses will be making loops between the museum and the convention center so you may come and go as you please. Tickets are required and will be available for purchase during the meeting registration process. Attendees must be 21 years of age or older to attend this event.
You may purchase a guest ticket to the Gala for $75. These can be purchased when you register during the meeting registration process.
Exhibit Hall
What are the hours of the Exhibit Hall?
Friday, May 12: 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Saturday, May 13: 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Sunday, May 14: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
What activities can I find in the Exhibit Hall?
The AAI Exhibit Booth 5025 is hosting a coffee bar (while supplies last) and offering opportunities to meet various committee members and JI/IH editors daily from 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM.
There will be a sponsored coffee break each morning starting at 10:00 AM while supplies last.
Each day, 12 exhibitor workshops will be held covering a wide range of topics. You will find a list of the workshops in these resources: the Program at a Glance, the Meeting Guide, the app, and the meeting website.
Lastly, you will find a Passport card in your meeting bag. Collect a stamp from each highlighted booth on the card and drop it off at the AAI Booth 5025. Drawings for three $250 gift cards will be held at 3:00 PM on Sunday, May 14.
I am interested in exhibiting. How do I go about this? Visit the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ Exhibitors page for complete information on exhibiting at IMMUNOLOGY2023™ or send an email to exhibits@aai.org.
General Information
Where can I purchase food during IMMUNOLOGY2023™?
Several dining options are available for you and your guests, along with permanent and portable retail food choices. Concession stands will be open on the Exhibit Hall floor during Exhibit Hall hours. Additionally, there will be several food outlets open within the convention center. You can also explore food options near the convention center.
How can I get a letter of invitation?
For security purposes, letters of invitation will be sent only to individuals who are registered for the meeting. Once your registration is complete, there will be a link in your email registration confirmation to download a letter of invitation. Please register or access your registration to get a letter of invitation.
I am considering bringing my family with me. May I do so?
Children age 13 and older are welcome to attend IMMUNOLOGY2023™ if accompanied by a registered adult. Children under the age of 13* may not attend and are prohibited from entry into the Exhibit Hall, session rooms, or hallways in the meeting area. No children will be allowed entry into social events.
*Babies under age 1 who are being carried or in a baby carrier (i.e., baby sling; no car seats/strollers will be permitted) may accompany their parent/guardian in the Exhibit Hall only. Babies may not be placed on the floor or left unattended.
Is there childcare available?
Onsite childcare will be provided during IMMUNOLOGY2023™. Please visit the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ Childcare page for details.
*AAI and its officers, employees, and agents assume no responsibility and accept no liabilities with respect to these services.
May I bring a nonscientist guest to the sessions?
Unfortunately, we do not have guest passes. All attendees must be registered to attend the sessions and Exhibit Hall.
Does AAI offer CME credits?
Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits are NOT offered for this meeting. AAI, however, adheres to conflict-of-interest policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. AAI requires all speakers at AAI-sponsored meetings or programs to inform their audiences of their academic and professional affiliations and to disclose any significant monetary interests or other relationships they may have with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) discussed in their presentation.
What is the dress code?
We want you to be comfortable so you can enjoy your meeting experience. Business casual dress is strongly encouraged. We suggest bringing a light sweater or jacket with you during the day because meeting rooms are air-conditioned.
Do you record any of the sessions?
Many sessions are being recorded for on-demand use after the meeting. Attendees are prohibited from photographing and recording (audio or video) scientific sessions, including posters. Violators will be asked to delete photographs or recordings and may risk expulsion from the meeting.
How do I submit a session suggestion for IMMUNOLOGY2024™?
The AAI Program Committee will be at the AAI Exhibit Booth 5025 on Sunday, May 14, from 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM. They are there ready to listen to your suggestions!
Luggage Storage
Luggage storage will be in Level 1, West Salon H, for a fee of $5/bag. It will be open Sunday, May 14, from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM, and Monday, May 15, from 7:00 AM – 6 PM. AAI is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged belongings
AAI allows the distribution of promotional materials and approved related items from Exhibitors only in their booths. No materials may be distributed outside (hotels, convention center lobby, session rooms, etc.) without permission of AAI.
Attendees and exhibitors can post job opportunities on the Jobs Board. Please visit the IMMUNOLOGY2032™ Jobs Board page for additional instructions.
Please visit the PosterSmith website to have your poster printed on wrinkle-resistant fabric posters. Poster presenters will get a 30% discount on the order and complimentary shipping and handling through April 10, 2023. After April 10, presenters can use coupon code “AAI2023 coupon” for a $15 discount.
Meeting Hotels
PLEASE NOTE: onPeak is the official housing service for IMMUNOLOGY2023™. No other organization may claim to represent AAI for housing.
Beware of scams: please do not give personal information or your credit card number to anyone who contacts you offering housing for IMMUNOLOGY2023™. Any other organization, outside of onPeak, that contacts you is NOT endorsed by or affiliated with AAI.
Are hotel discounts being offered
Discounts are being offered through the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ website only. Please visit the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ Hotels page to book your hotel. If you contact the hotels directly, you will not be able to receive the AAI discount.
Discount rates end Monday, April 17, 2023.
Will I receive confirmation of my hotel reservation?
Yes. A confirmation of your reservation will be sent to you, via email, immediately after making your reservation. The confirmation will come from the official housing company, onPeak.
PLEASE NOTE: A final confirmation with your hotel confirmation number will be sent within two weeks of your arrival. The confirmation will come from onPeak and NOT from the hotel at which you will be staying.
Will I be refunded if I need to cancel my hotel reservation?
Cancellation policies and fees vary by hotel. To find your hotel’s policy, choose your hotel option and then click on “view hotel policies” (this can usually be found under the nightly rate).
Is there any shuttle service to and from IMMUNOLOGY2023™ hotels?
There is no transportation provided between the hotels and the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Most of the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ hotels are within walking distance of the convention center.
Member Lounge
The AAI Member Lounge will be located inside Exhibit Hall D, across from Registration. This is a place for members to relax, engage with other members, and charge their devices. New AAI CEO Dr. Loretta Doan will be visit for at least one hour each day to connect with members.
Get the most out of the meeting by downloading the official IMMUNOLOGY2023™ mobile app. Search the Google Play Store on android devices or the App Store on apple devices for “AAI Events.” The app will be available on April 11, 2023.
May I take photographs throughout the meeting?
Attendees are prohibited from photographing and recording (audio or video) scientific sessions, including posters. Violators will be asked to delete photographs or recordings and may risk expulsion from the meeting.
PLEASE NOTE: During the poster hours, if you have the permission of the author, you make take photographs of a poster. Authors are permitted to photograph their own posters.
Social Media
Share your experience online with the official meeting hashtag! #AAI2023
Follow AAI on these social media platforms:
Closest Airport
Washington, DC, is served by three major airports (DCA, IAD, and BWI), easily accessible to the city. The closest airport is Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.
Are there any airfare discounts?
By Rideshare: Uber, Lyft, and ALTO offer transportation services to passengers arriving to and departing from all airports.
By Metro: The convention center sits atop the Mt. Vernon Square/7th Street-Convention Center station served by Metro’s Green and Yellow lines. Alternatively, take the Red Line to the Gallery Place-Chinatown Metro station, which is a five-minute walk from the convention center.
Visit WMATA.com or call (202) 637-7000 for maps, schedules, and more information on traveling by metro or bus.
By Train: Amtrak serves DC’s Union Station and is connected to the DC Metro on the Red Line.
By Car & Parking: Whether you are driving yourself or using a rideshare service, Google Maps can help get you here. Multiple parking garages are located around the convention center with hourly and daily rates.
By Foot: You will quickly find that DC is one of the most walkable and bikeable cities in the nation. If you are staying nearby, strolling or pedaling will get you here soon enough!
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
The public sidewalks surrounding the convention center feature curb cuts for wheelchair access. Automatic doors are located at Mt. Vernon Place, L Street, North and South, and Metro entrances to the convention center. Elevators are conveniently located near meeting rooms, common areas, and in exhibit halls. Telephones, drinking fountains, and restrooms throughout the building are wheelchair accessible.
801 Mt. Vernon Place NW, Washington, DC 20001
ATM machines are conveniently located in public spaces throughout the convention center.
Business Center
The Capital Business Center services include copying, computer rental, faxing and limited shipping services via Federal Express, UPS, and DHL for small packages.
Convention Center Ambassadors
Convention Center Ambassadors are located at the information desk in the Grand Lobby and at key “Ask Me” locations throughout the facility. These guides provide pertinent information regarding the current convention event calendar, city attractions, and restaurants, entertainment, and shopping suggestions.
First Aid Center
The First Aid Center is located next to the Registration Desk and will be managed throughout the meeting by an EMT. COVID-19 testing is available at no charge for anyone wishing to be tested during the meeting.
Additionally, all security services staff are trained and certified by the Red Cross in basic first aid and CPR practices and are trained to use automatic external defibrillators (AEDs). AEDs are located throughout the convention center, and one is issued to all contracted medical providers on duty.
Lost and found?
If you have lost a personal item, please check with the AAI Staff Office or the convention center information desk. At the completion of the event, any unclaimed items may be submitted to the convention center’s Public Safety Division, where the inventory is held for 90 days. After 90 days, the items are disposed in accordance with the convention center’s DC Property Disposal Guidelines. Contact the Events DC Public Safety Division at (202) 249-4111 for assistance with lost items.
Nursing Mothers’ Lounges
There are two Mamava pods. The first is located on Level 1, outside of Room 103AB, South Building. The second is on the street level of Middle Building, to the right of the multi-colored spiral staircase.
NOTE: The code to access the Mamava Pods is 8008.
Nearby public parking. More than 3,000 parking spaces are located within a three-block radius of the convention center, including surface lots and garages. Exhibitors and attendees are encouraged to use these public parking facilities. Parking regulations are heavily enforced in the convention center’s surrounding residential areas. There is no public parking at the convention center.
Accessible parking. Twelve metered public parking spaces that are designated for vehicles displaying disability permits or tags are located on 9th Street:
- Three spaces on the east side of 9th Street, between Mt. Vernon Place & L Street
- Three spaces on the east side of 9th Street, between L & M Street
- Three spaces on the east side of 9th Street, between M & N Street
- Three metered, public parking spaces on 7th Street, between Mt. Vernon Place and L Street.
Parking signs are posted, indicating a two-hour parking limit, from 7:00 AM to 6:30 PM daily.
The convention center restrooms are accessible to persons with disabilities and are equipped with stalls, sinks and mirrors that are wheelchair accessible.
Gender inclusive restrooms are located near Room 203B and 304.
Internet Kiosks. Two Internet kiosks that provide access for checking email and surfing the web are located in the Grand Lobby, South Building, next to the lounge areas. Internet access at the kiosks is available at a nominal charge. The kiosks accept major credit cards. Wired Internet connections can be found in the L Street Lobby, South Building, outside of Meeting Room 103A. Up to eight users can be accommodated at one time. Internet access from these connections is at no cost.
Wireless Internet. Guests who have a laptop or handheld device with 802.11b-g-n compatible wireless access can utilize our wireless Internet service to perform basic functions at prevailing rates. This service is available throughout the center. Free service is available in certain locations throughout the building. Hotspots are designated by Wi-Fi signage.
Visit the official convention center website for more information about the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.