May 11 – 15, 2023, Washington, DC
AAI urges all IMMUNOLOGY2023™ attendees (including registrants, AAI staff, exhibitors, AAI contractors, Walter E. Washington Convention Center staff, and guests) to be fully vaccinated and boosted against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) as per the CDC Guidelines. However, no proof of vaccination will be required.
Although the COVID-19 pandemic is waning, many individuals and/or their family members are still at risk of serious illness. Because COVID-19 can be transmitted prior to the onset of—or in the absence of—any symptoms, AAI strongly encourages masking (wearing a mask that covers the nose and mouth) throughout the convention center, hotels, and other venues in which IMMUNOLOGY2023™ sessions, events, and activities will occur. AAI further encourages masking in any other settings in which social distancing is not possible, except when eating or drinking.
AAI encourages registrants to test prior to arrival in Washington, DC, and offers refunds on registration fees to those who submit a positive COVID-19 PCR or antigen test (for themselves or a dependent) taken from May 1–May 11. To obtain your refund, send a photo of your positive test result to meetings@aai.org no later than Friday, May 12, to cancel your registration and request a refund.
AAI asks that IMMUNOLOGY2023™ participants who test positive for COVID-19 after arriving in Washington, who do not feel well, or who are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms at any point during the meeting refrain from attending the meeting or participating in any meeting-related activities. If you find yourself in this position and are scheduled to present a poster or talk, please immediately alert AAI staff (at meetings@aai.org) and your session chair or main contact that you are unable to present. If you have been granted a travel award contingent upon presentation, and you are on site at the meeting but unable to present due to illness, you will still receive the travel award funds.
No precautions can entirely eliminate the risk of exposure to COVID-19. While this policy is intended to encourage responsible behavior and minimize the risk of exposure, meeting attendees understand that they are assuming the risk of contracting COVID-19 while at IMMUNOLOGY2023™.
AAI reserves the right to revise this policy if local, state, or national conditions warrant a change. Please check this page regularly for any updates.
Last updated: March 17, 2023