Abstract Submission Guidelines
Late-breaking submissions are under review.
Notifications will be sent by March 3.
Late-Breaking Abstract Submissions Open
Jan. 9, 2023
Late-Breaking Abstract Submissions Close
Jan. 23, 2023
LATE-BREAKING Abstract Submission Fees
Member rate: | $125 |
Non-member rate: | $145 |
Deadline for submissions is
Monday, January 23, 2023, 11:59:59 PM ET
PLEASE NOTE: Late breaking submissions are not eligible for podium presentations.
- Abstract submissions limit: none—provided each abstract represents distinct research.
- Authors may not submit an abstract on work that has been published previously.
- Abstracts are embargoed until April 11, 2023, when the IMMUNOLOGY2023™ app goes live.
- Fees: Abstract fees are based on your membership status at the time of submission.
- AAI member nonrefundable abstract submission fee $125.
- Non-member nonrefundable abstract submission fee $145.
- In order to have access to the AAI member abstract submission fee, you must be a member of AAI through January 1, 2024. If you renew or join AAI prior to submitting your abstract, you will immediately have access to the AAI member abstract fee.
- NOTE: There is no reimbursement of the difference if you join after you’ve submitted an abstract.
- The abstract submission fee does not include registration to the meeting; therefore, all authors planning to attend IMMUNOLOGY2023™ must register for the meeting.
- NOTE: AAI will make known its meeting attendance COVID-19 policy, which will be based on available public health and scientific data, no later than April 1, 2023. The updated AAI COVID-19 policy will be available on this website. All meeting attendees will be required to comply with the AAI COVID-19 policy.
Responsibilities of the Presenting Author
- The first author listed for each abstract serves as the presenting author and as the primary contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract.
- The presenting author is responsible for the following:
- Ensuring that all authors have read the abstract and agreed to be co-authors.Failure to get approval from all authors will result in rejection of the abstract.
- Notifying all co-authors of any additions, deletions, and changes to the program, as may be communicated by AAI.
- If abstract is selected for a podium presentation, first author understands that presenting a poster is still a requirement.
- Forwarding all correspondence to all co-authors, including AAI policies and guidelines.
How to Submit Your Abstract
- Go to the AAI membership website and log in using your user name and password.
- On MY HOMEPAGE, your membership status is noted. In order to have access to the member rates for an abstract submission (and eventually when you register), your membership must be good through January 1, 2024.
- If your membership expires on January 1, 2023, and you want access to the member rates, you must renew for 2023. If you are in non-member status, you may join or renew your membership by clicking the RENEW/PAY MEMBERSHIP box. You will be able to renew for a 15-month membership.
- Once paid, you will have immediate access to the member abstract submission rate.
- If you wish to remain a non-member, you are welcome to submit as a non-member. BUT if you decide to change your status AFTER you have submitted your abstract, the difference in the abstract submission fees cannot be refunded.
- Once you are ready to submit, click on SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT FOR IMMUNOLOGY2023™.
- You will now see “IMPORTANT” MEMBERSHIP STATUS. Please review (and update as needed – with the exception of your name – you will need to contact members@aai.org to make that edit).
- Once you have reviewed and updated your profile, click on CONTINUE ABSTRACT SUBMISSION. You will be redirected to our abstract submission site.
Step 1: Authors
FIRST AUTHOR Information Page
NOTE: The submitting author = the first author = the presenter. This can’t be changed.
- Complete the fields as requested.
- To enter your primary institution, click SEARCH FOR INSTITUTION button.
- To search for your institution, type a word within your institution’s name that is distinct (ie: to find the Univ. of Maryland, type “Maryland”)
- Search for the institution, find it, and click ADD by your choice.
- If you can’t find the institution, click ADD NEW INSTITUTION button and add the institution. Please:
- Do not include departments, laboratories, or institutes
- Do not include address, cities, states, or zip codes
- Do include schools, colleges, and faculties
- Write out state names within universities (ie: Univ. of California, Berkeley)
- For institutes within NIH, use acronym of institute, NIH (ie: NCI, NIH)
- Finally, click on ADD INSTITUTION.
- To add a second (or more) institution/s to your record, click ADD ANOTHER INSTITUTION button and follow the same steps as above.
- You will see all institutions you’ve selected to your right, under your name.
- If you’ve selected a wrong institution, under the DISCLOSURE QUESTION, you will see all institutions you’ve selected. Click on DELETE to remove any incorrect selections.
- Please answer the AUTHOR DISCLOSURE question. If you have relationships to disclose, you will be asked to list them and your relationship to them.
- When finished, click UPDATE at the bottom of the page to continue.
- Additional authors may be added – individually – next.
Enter all authors in the order they should appear in the meeting app and in any online or print documents.
- You may either add an author from another of your submissions by clicking on ADD AUTHOR FROM ANOTHER OF MY SUBMISSIONS
- If you cannot locate an author you need, you may add a new author by using the SEARCH FOR AUTHORS option.
- Fill in any/all of search options (FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, INSTITUTION) and hit SEARCH.
- If the author exists in the database, they will show up as a list at the bottom of the page
- If your author is on the list, click on the button next to their name and click ADD AUTHOR. Their name will be added to your abstract.
- Search for this new author’s institution and add it as before. Add additional institutions as before.
- Complete this new author’s disclosure information.
- When finished, click UPDATE at the bottom of the page to continue.
- Repeat this process for each additional author.
- If you do not find the author in this list, click on ADD NEW AUTHOR. Fill out the form, including the disclosure information, and click on ADD AUTHOR.
- Confirm authors are in the correct order by using the arrows next to their names.
- Once you’ve added all of your authors, click FINISHED ADDING AUTHORS at the bottom of the page to save and continue to Step 2.
Step 2: Abstract
- Each abstract should contain:
- A sentence stating the study objective (unless given in the title)
- A brief statement of methods (if pertinent)
- A summary of the results obtained
- A statement of conclusions (HINT: saying “the results will be discussed” is not satisfactory)
- Abstract titles:
- Use sentence-style capitalization (e.g: ‘Active learning improves comprehension in large section immunology course at Western University.’)
- Do not use “quotations” or all UPPERCASE letters.
- There is a 150-character limit for titles
- A character counter, underneath the title entry box, will help you keep track of the length.
- Abstract body:
- There is a 1,500-character limit for your abstract (not including spaces).
- A character counter, underneath the abstract entry box, will help you keep track of the length.
- Special characters and formatting:
- Special characters and formatting can be inserted using the formatting toolbar, just above the title and abstract entry boxes.
Step 3: Abstract Detail
- Topic Category: From the dropdown menu, select the appropriate abstract topic category for your submission.
- For further detail on the topic category, click on IMMUNOLOGY2023™ Topic Categories.
- NOTE: Occasionally the Abstract Programming Chairs maybe reassign your abstract to a topic category more closely aligns with where your abstract should be presented.
- Presentation preference: From the next dropdown menu, select your presentation preference.
- All accepted abstracts will be scheduled as posters.
- Podium and poster means you will be presenting your abstract both orally and as a poster.
- NOTE: Selecting ‘Podium and Poster’ presentation preference, does not guarantee your abstract will be accepted and selected as a podium presentation.
- Funding support:
- If you received funding support for this research, please name the source of the support. (e.g. Supported by grants from NIH (R01 AI123456, PO1 CA78894))
- Are you a Trainee? From the dropdown menu, select yes or no.
- NOTE: Trainees are defined as undergraduate or graduate students, young professionals or postdoctoral fellows. If you are a Trainee, you will be asked the name and email address of your P.I.
- When done, click Save & Continue.
Step 4: Author Agreement
- Please read the provided statements and check the checkbox next to each statement to affirm your agreement to it.
- When finished, click on I AGREE.
Step 5: Proofread
NOTE: All abstracts will be printed and published as submitted by the author.
- Carefully check the proof of your abstract before completing your submission.
- Make sure all special characters and formatting display correctly in your proof.
- Any errors can be corrected by clicking on the appropriate circular tab across the top of the page.
- AAI is not responsible for and will not copy-edit abstract submissions, including authors.
- MINOR typos and edits will be accepted until March 23, 2023, 11:59:59 PM ET.
- Common mistakes:
- Duplicating the title, authors and/or institutions
- Omission of author(s)
- Omission of funding source(s)
- Incorrect institution/organization affiliation(s)
- Typographical errors such as transposing letters in common words
- Incorrect special characters such as Greek text of mathematical symbols
Step 6: Payment
- All abstract submission fees are non-refundable.
- The abstract fee is NOT your meeting registration fee. If your abstract is accepted, and you accept the invitation to present, you will be required to register for the meeting and pay a registration fee.
- Once payment is submitted, you will receive two e-mails regarding your submission:
- Confirmation of your submission with limited details
- Receipt of payment
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE: Friday, February 23, 2023
- Notifications will be sent to the submitting (first) author only.
- NOTE: Although it is rare for an abstract to be rejected, AAI reserves the right—at its sole discretion—to decline any abstract deemed inappropriate.
Need Help with Abstracts?
If you have questions regarding the submission criteria or questions about IMMUNOLOGY2023™, please contact AAI at meetings@aai.org or (301) 634-7178. We are available to help Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET.
Technical support: If you have any difficulty with the submission process, please email our abstract submission partner, MIRA, at aai@mirasmart.com or call 866-341-9589 between 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM ET.